Fiscal Sponsorship Agreements

Secure your fiscal sponsorship agreement with the help of our attorneys
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Nonprofit Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement Attorney In California

What Is A Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement?

A fiscal sponsorship agreement is a legal contract between two entities: a nonprofit organization and an individual or project (the “fiscal sponsor”). The agreement allows the sponsored project to receive grants or donations that are made to the sponsoring organization, while still maintaining its independent legal and tax status. 

In order for an agreement to be considered a true fiscal sponsorship, it must provide the sponsored project with activities or services of value. These can include financial management, fundraising assistance, technical support, public relations counsel, employee benefits such as health care coverage, and more. In return for these assets and services, the fiscally sponsored project pays a fee based on its budget size. 

Contact Daryl Reese Law Group to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 707-858-5000

The Fiscal Sponsorship Benefit

Fiscal sponsorships create many advantages for organizations that don’t possess the required 501(c)(3) designation from the IRS. For instance, organizations can raise funds at lower administrative costs than if they tried to obtain nonprofit status on their own. Additionally, because all donations go through the sponsoring organization’s existing infrastructure and accounting systems, donors benefit from streamlined gifts with fewer paperwork hassles. Fiscal sponsorships can also be beneficial to established nonprofits who wish to make use of their existing infrastructure. By taking on fiscally-sponsored projects into their portfolio of activities or programs, they may gain access to new sources of revenue or new members of their donor base without having to invest significant resources into marketing or fundraising efforts. Additionally, partnering with a fiscally-sponsored project helps participating nonprofits expand their reach by amplifying program visibility among potential stakeholders and beneficiaries. 

The Daryl Reese Law Group Difference

At Daryl Reese Law Group we understand that issuing or becoming involved in a fiscal sponsorship agreement is a complex process fraught with challenges and risks. An experienced attorney can help navigate this process by ensuring compliance with state laws as well as applicable federal regulations regarding charitable solicitation and reporting requirements associated with receiving donations from individuals or corporations. We look forward to working together with you so that you can take advantage of the many benefits that come from establishing a successful fiscal sponsorship agreement!

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